With XR-Series you can optimise your haematology workflow automation
The path any EDTA sample tube takes throughout its processing should be as straightforward as possible, without much waiting time, tedious manual steps, or open results at the end. The same goes for the data flow. XR-Series’ automation components – hardware and software – intelligently interact to create the most productive workflow.
Brand new automation component with XR-Series
Workflow automation with hardware components that make a difference
Mix and match the individual devices with your XR analyser modules to create the solution that fits your automation needs. We have grouped the devices by their main functionality within an automated workflow.
Automated EDTA tube handling
Our EDTA tube handling devices improve workflow and operational efficiency by automating a variety of manual steps, thereby saving significant staff time.
BT-50 barcode terminal
The new BT-50 is a real innovation in automated haematology. For the first time fully automated QC handling is available to the laboratory, eliminating manual steps and saving significant staff time.
TS-10 tube sorter
Finding instead of searching – the TS-10 helps to standardise and optimise complex sample workflows. Its key competences are post-analytical and on-demand pre-analytical sorting of EDTA tubes for all kinds of criteria: storage, reflex testing, special orders, or rack optimisation.
Automated smear management
Optimise your smear workflow with integrated smear-making, staining and digital imaging to ensure high-quality morphology results, every time. With extensive networking capabilities, our digital imaging portfolio allows you to share morphology expertise within your organisation or across multiple sites, on demand from anywhere at any time.
Discover the benefits each solution offers.
Integration of subsequent testing from EDTA tubes
With the integration possibility of specific non-XR analysers in your XR automation line, you can have your EDTA blood samples transferred fully automatically for subsequent testing. Samples with open orders for HbA1c and/or ESR measurement are moved to the dedicated analysers once blood count analysis has been finished. This shortens TAT, increases walk-away time and consolidates analysis orders to a single EDTA tube per patient.
Discover each analyser’s capabilities.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate analyser

Tosoh G11
Haemoglobin A1c analyser

Specialised automation components
Beyond tube handling components, smear workflow devices and different analysers, there are further beneficial options that can be added to your XR automation solution.
RU-20 reagent unit
For high workloads, it can save a significant amount of time and effort for your staff to have high-volume reagents directly prepared from a concentrate and dispensed into the system rather than exchanging many individual containers throughout the day.
TU-40 turn unit
This clever device helps you fit your automation line to your lab’s space. Use one or two units to set up your favoured layout – always space-conscious yet comfortable to work at.
TLA – total lab automation
Your XR automation line can be connected to total lab automation solutions. Contact your local Sysmex representative to find the best solution for your lab’s individual situation.
Workflow automation through intelligent data analysis and process control
Would you like to use extensive, customisable rule sets and add-ons in your Extended IPU to refine your workflow and retrieve more information from your XR solution? Then opt for the following rule sets and add-ons that suit your needs.
Extended IPU customisable rule sets
Pre-analytical rules
With this rule set in place, the system automatically checks each sample according to the set pre-analysis rules, plus it checks the patient’s history and special requirements the sample may have. This makes for a smooth workflow with optimised sample processing.
Technical Validation
This set covers rules for assessing the reliability of results and so helps to provide accurate and technically sound analysis results. In addition, it manages the automatic reflex measurements of analytical alternatives. This package is the basic prerequisite for any subsequent validation steps.
Biomedical Validation
Based on the GFHC recommended guidelines [1], the optional extra Biomedical Validation rule set offers a standardised workflow for managing abnormal samples so you can focus on the right results at the right time [2].
Alternatively, you can use this rule set as a base to create a bespoke rule set package defined together with our expert workflow analysts.
[1] Genevieve F et al. (2014): Smear microscopy revision: propositions by the GFHC, Feuillets de Biologie (Vol LVI N° 317). Free download of the French and English version.
[2] Cornet E et al. (2016): Evaluation and optimization of the extended information process unit (E-IPU) validation module integrating the sysmex flag systems and the recommendations of the Frenchspeaking cellular hematology group (GFHC). Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 76(6):465–71.
Rule sets for BF cases
This rule set offers technical validation and interpretation support for body fluid results. Different criteria apply depending on the sample category, i.e., CSF and all others. During validation, you can add information on macroscopic sample characteristics. The rules provide indications of interferences and recommendations for actions to be performed, such as chamber counts or cytospin preparations. This contributes to the overall safety level and confidence in the results of such vulnerable samples.
Workflow automation and optimisation does not stop here…
Smaller workloads deserve workflow automation just as well
No matter what your sample count per day is, Sysmex aims to help you eliminate as many manual tasks as possible – from the handling of sample material to the analysis itself – so you have time to focus on the most important things. Our haematology solutions for smaller labs offer a surprisingly high potential for workflow automation.